New WorkBC app helps find careers, jobs and training
British Columbians now have a faster way to access WorkBC employment services online.
The province has launched the WorkBC app which allows users to explore career options and access education and training opportunities using their smart phone or tablet.
“Approximately 80,000 British Columbians use WorkBC services annually,” said Nicholas Simons, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “The new WorkBC app will make it easier for individuals looking for employment or career assistance to get the services they need, including assistive technology, financial supports and career opportunities, from their Android or iOS phones or tablets.”
Users can download the app from the App Store or Google Play and sign in with the BC Services Card app or a Basic BCeID account any time of day. Connecting with a local WorkBC Centre, exploring career options, improving skills and education, or connecting with potential employers is just a few taps away.