Pamela Pearson, former Kelowna Chamber President. (photo credit: Kelowna Chamber)
annual awards

Outstanding volunteers honoured by Chamber

Apr 26, 2024 | 12:00 PM

The Kelowna Chamber has recognized several people for their community service over the past year.

The business organization held its annual Presidents Dinner at the Coast Capri Hotel on Thursday, April 25.

Former Chamber chair Pamela Pearson received the newly named Marion Bremner Memorial Award for her contributions to the members of the Chamber in 2023-2024.

“This coveted award goes to an individual who demonstrated how to fully engage in the community. Pam reached new levels of excellence in her work with the Chamber,” past chair Dan Price said.

Pearson was also made an honorary life member of the Chamber, while Price received a ceremonial gavel as retiring board chair.

Pearson said she is grateful for the path that Marion Bremner helped pave for women in business in Kelowna.

“She was an inspiration to us all, and we aspire to live up to her legacy,” Pearson remarked.

Chamber board president and chair, Maryse Harvey, said they look forward to the event every year.

“We’re fortunate to serve this 118-year-old organization with such a strong cohort of business and non-profit organization leaders. Recognizing our volunteers who contribute at multiple levels of the Chamber is a truly important moment for us as we pause and say thank you,” Harvey commented.

The Chamber is donating $1,000 to Meals on Wheels in Marion Bremner’s name.

Bremner was the first female chair of the Chamber, who also worked tirelessly for Meals on Wheels for 20 years.

The other awards included:

• Volunteer Award of Excellence 2023: Annika Betts

• Director of the Year 2023: Pamela Pearson

• Ambassador of the Year: Ivonne Wojdanski

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