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Weather data

Where did Vernon’s precipitation go? Environment Canada responds

Dec 5, 2023 | 12:15 PM

It may not be a big deal to some people, but for those who follow local weather trends, a key part of Vernon’s data has been missing for several weeks.

Environment Canada has not been providing Vernon’s daily precipitation (rain and snow) amounts for over a month on its website.

Vernon’s historical weather for December 2023, with precipitation amounts shown as M for missing which has been the case since Oct. 26. (Image credit: Environment Canada)

Vernon Matters reached out to the weather agency to find out why, asking if this was the result of a temporary, technical issue, or something else.

“The precipitation gauge at the Vernon automatic weather station failed on October 26 [2023]. Unfortunately, a repair date has not been determined yet,” Manita Essurredeen from Environment and Climate Change Canada, said.

No other information was provided.

Since Oct. 26, Vernon’s precipitation amount has been reported as ‘M’ every day which stands for missing.

Vernon’s official weather station is located at the Coldstream Ranch, where weather records date back to 1900.

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