Concept design of new PVSS gymnasium in Armstrong. (Image credit: SD 83)
$16 million project

New school gym expected by fall 2024

Feb 23, 2023 | 4:30 PM

Students and staff at Armstrong’s high school now have a better idea when they will have a new gymnasium.

School District 83 Director of Operations Travis Elwood updated the District’s School Board on the progress of the gym replacement project at Pleasant Valley Secondary School.

Elmwood said the district hopes to go to tender on May 1 and then, once awarded, the construction will take about 14 months to complete.

“I know it is slow for those who are enduring it here,” Elwood said. “It is challenging for the school not to have a gym and we really appreciate their flexibility and the community’s support.”

The new facility is expected to open by September 2024.

Elwood and project manager Ed Hildebrandt hosted a session at PVSS for anyone wanting to give input on the draft designs.

The B.C. government is providing $15.2 million to construct the gym, which will be built using non-combustible exterior materials to make the building more climate resilient and better able to withstand a wildfire.

School District 83 is contributing $615,000 for the replacement project.

The current gym was deemed unsafe and closed in 2021 after structural damage was discovered.

When school is in session, students are bused to nearby city-owned facilities for physical education classes and other nearby school gyms for team sports.

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