Vernon Matters file photo of a vehicle collision in the Alexis Park area

Data pinpoints Vernon’s most dangerous intersections

Nov 24, 2022 | 12:45 PM

A new tool from ICBC showing the hot spots for collisions has identified the most dangerous intersection in Vernon.

In 2021, there were a total of 20 collisions resulting in injuries or casualties at the intersection of 32 St. and 43 Ave. by the Vernon Square Mall.

ICBC said there was 52 collisions at the intersection of 32nd Street and 43rd Ave. in 2021, 20 resulting in injuries, making it Vernon’s most dangerous intersection. (Photo credit: Google)

Between 2017 and 2021, there were a total of 200 collisions recorded at that intersection, 80 of which resulted in injuries or casualties.

The second worst intersection last year was 27 St. and 48 Ave near the Village Green Mall with 13 collisions resulting in injuries or fatalities, followed by 10 crashes at 27 St. and 58 Ave./Anderson Way near the Walmart shopping complex.

The interactive map from the Crown corporation shows, in total, there were 313 collisions that resulted in injuries or deaths in Vernon during 2021.

The online tool did not provide data that separated injuries and fatalities from those specific collisions .

ICBC’s new tool also provided details on the highest collision-prone intersections in Vernon, which compiles all the crashes, regardless if there were injuries or not.

Again, the interactive map showed the intersection of 32 St. and 43 Ave. had the highest number of collisions in 2021 with 52.

The intersection of 25 Ave and 32 St. near Fruit Union Plaza, had the second highest crashes in 2021 with 44, followed by 35 crashes at the turning lane of 27 St. and 48 Ave.

ICBC identified a total of 843 vehicle collisions within the City of Vernon in 2021.

The data did not include collisions within parking lots.

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