The concept plan for the proposed Kin Race Track Athletic Park. (image courtesy of the City of Vernon)
athletic park

Concept plan for Kin Race Track to be presented to Vernon council

Apr 22, 2022 | 12:00 PM

A revised concept plan for the proposed Kin Race Track Athletic Park will be presented to Vernon Council on Monday before going to the public for feedback.

At its meeting on Feb. 28, council directed staff to review plans to determine if a cycling path and road side parking could be established along Old Kamloops Road, find out how much it would cost to have underground parking below the proposed Active Living Centre, and develop a concept plan for the site to be brought forward for public engagement.

In a memorandum to council for its April 25 meeting, city administration said they have now completed the assigned tasks.

The report to council noted that accommodating a cycling path and parking along Old Kamloops Road would require a large amount of fill and stairs to accommodate entry to the park, adding that it may also create safety challenges along the road due to speed and sightlines. Administration recommends the paved shoulder should be retained for cyclists and that parking not be encouraged along the shoulder of the road.

The review of the potential parking under the gymnasium of the Active Living Centre found that approximately 61 parking stalls could be accommodated at an estimated cost of $4.7 million. Administration noted that the consulting team hired by the city was able to accommodate the required surface parking in the concept plan, and does not recommend establishing underground parking under the facility.

Administration also stated they have met with community stakeholders to help shape the concept plan, including representatives from the North Okanagan Cycling Society, Sky Volleyball Club, skateboard groups and the Farmers Market. The report stated that, as per council direction, a large scale single- or multi-use field house is no longer included in the proposed concept plan, though other locations are being explored for some of the uses and small changes to the concept plan have been considered for others.

As city staff move into the design stage of the park, more communication and engagement with key groups and stakeholders will be required.

Kin Race Track Athletic Park concept plan (image courtesy of the City of Vernon)

If city council endorses the plan in principle, the next step will be to bring the plan to the public for additional comments to help refine details and integrate small elements not included in the concept plan.

The feedback will be compiled into a report and delivered to council with final concept plan on June 13.

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