RCMP officers recognized for life saving efforts
Trying to save the lives of people suffering overdoses has become part of the job for RCMP officers.
In the fall of 2016, frontline Mounties began to carry nasal Naloxone for two specific reasons – officer safety, in the event that an employee, or police officer, was inadvertently exposed to fentanyl; and to save the life of any person who was suffering an opiate overdose.
“Fortunately, there have only been a few instances of Naloxone being administered to RCMP employees and front line officers, but since October 2016 until the end of March 2021, the RCMP has administered nasal Naloxone over 1,000 times across Canada to individuals suffering an apparent or suspected overdose,” Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey, District Advisory NCO, said.
Over the coming days, RCMP officers from all across the B.C. southern interior are being formally recognized by their detachment commanders on behalf of the district commander for the RCMP Southeast District.