Not homeless, just nomadic
Vernon residents may have noticed the distinctive older blue motor home parked on 25th Avenue. It is one of several parked on local roadways.
Bylaw enforcement received 16 complaints in 2020 and three so far this year related to RVs parked on 25th Avenue, the number of tickets issued is not available, without a review of individual files.
“Bylaw Compliance Officers have been diligent to ensure RV owners parked along 25th Avenue are aware of Traffic Bylaw #5600 and its specifics about parking on a Highway (City road). Where the operator is aware of the bylaw information and they are not in compliance, a ticket will be issued. However, if the vehicle operator is in compliance with the bylaw, they are allowed to park on a City right of way for a period of up to 48 hours.” Christy Poirier, Manager of Communications and Grants told Vernon Matters.
Two motor homes have been parked on 35th Avenue, across from the Esso gas station, but it is unclear if the owners are living in them or staying at a nearby hotel. As of May 21, the rigs had moved on.