Vernon council backs worship as essential service
A motion to write a letter to Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, asking that houses of worship be added to the essential service list has passed at Vernon council.
“I was requested to by a representative of the Canadian Reform Church of Vernon, a house of worship with which I had no previous connection and anticipate no future connection. I subsequently spoke with other faith leaders. Coun. Scott Anderson said. “I am bringing the motion forward as a representative of the public, including some members of the faith community, because their request to deem houses of worship as “essential services” was, to my mind, so reasonable. All they are asking for is to be designated “essential services,” like pubs and restaurants and cannabis stores and big box stores and airplanes and small junk removal companies.”
The health order was brought in following COVID outbreaks mostly in the Fraser Valley this summer as residents ignored orders not to gather in large groups for weddings and funerals. Several Fraser valley churches have continued to defy public health orders and are being fined.
“This is nuts. You think you we are going to be able to control social distancing in a church,” Coun. Brian Quiring said. “You would put a higher risk group of our population at even greater risk.”