A place to go on the Okanagan Rail Trail
Regional District of the North Okanagan (RDNO) staff have been instructed to find funds to place a chemical toilet at the trail head in Coldstream for winter users of the Okanagan Rail Trail (OTR).
Friends of Okanagan Rail Trail and Ribbons of Green Trail Society both wrote letters to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee (GVAC) requesting that washrooms on the trail be addressed, for convenience and environmental concerns.
Permanent washrooms are currently being constructed at the Kickwillie loop location, however those will be similar to the B.C. Parks washrooms at Kekuli Bay Provincial Park using running water, and would be shut down and winterized at the onset of winter.
“The City of Vernon operates our flush toilets to 20 below, as they have electricity to them,” Vernon Mayor Victor Cumming said.