Try it Tuesday emcee POV
Best year ever for Valentine’s for Mexico!
Mar 25, 2025 | 9:15 AM
One of our favourite events to emcee
A record year for Valentines for Mexico with $64,860 raised!!!!
All money raised goes to support orphanages and families in Mexico and Cuba. Each year, a portion of the proceeds is also donated to a local family. The recipient this year is the son of Tania Hollingsworth. She recently passed away from breast cancer.
Check out the ‘behind the scenes’ video from the emcee POV.
#sweetsmilessociety #beachmorningswithbrianandrebecca #pinksuit #valentinesformexico #sweet16gala #cottonschocolates #vernonbc #tryittuesday #beachradiovernon #emcee