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Cricket Pitch Proposal

Vernon exploring option for a cricket pitch in the community

Mar 21, 2025 | 1:50 PM

A new sports field could soon be established in Vernon.

At the regular meeting Monday, March 24, Vernon Council will be presented with a feasibility report for installing a cricket pitch in the city.

Administration met with cricketers in the summer of 2024 as they were seeking assistance identifying a location and getting a playing field established.

The report said there were approximately 135 cricket players in Vernon, and an additional 345 within the Okanagan.

Staff reviewed options and determined the DND grounds could be a suitable site for a cricket pitch, stating it would not interfere with other sports fields.

It also found that the city could provide up to $30,000 from the Parks Reserve to cover the environmental permit process, supplies and materials, and construction of the pitch.

Council will receive the report with the recommendations to establish the playing field at the DND Grounds and provide the funding to build the pitch Monday.

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