Emergency supplies (ID 148847776 © Roger Brown | Dreamstime.com)
Emergency Preparedness

Vernon residents, visitors advised to prepare for emergencies

Jul 25, 2024 | 4:00 PM

As wildfires continue to burn throughout British Columbia, Vernon residents are advised to plan ahead.

The City of Vernon said residents and visitors should take steps right away to plan for the worst case scenario, and to stay up to date with what is going on locally and across the province.

The public is advised to stay informed on the latest wildfire information and evacuation notices through the B.C. Wildfire Service and Emergency Info B.C. The city again advised people use the Alertable app so they can receive immediate information on hazards and emergency events from the municipality.

In preparation for emergency situations, the City of Vernon urged people to have an emergency plan in place, to have grab-and-go bags ready, and to prepare their homes for emergency events.

Emergency plans are a playbook for how to respond to disasters, such as wildfires, and should include details on where to go during an emergencies, how to stay in contact with family and friends, and how to help those who are most vulnerable such as the elderly or people with disabilities.

Grab-and-go bags should be prepared for each member of a household and include copies of important documents, glasses, medication, and enough supplies to last for 72 hours.

Preparing a home can involve a number of FireSmart activities, including clearing flammable materials from near a structure, keeping lawns, gardens and gutters clean, and pruning trees and bushes.

Additionally, the City of Vernon advised the public to always have fuel in their vehicle so they can leave at a moment’s notice, to include friends and neighbours who may not have access to the internet or regular news updates in their emergency plans, and to make plans in advance for where to stay if ordered to leave.

More details on emergency preparedness plans can be found at the Prepared B.C. website.

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