Vernon’s Oldest Chinese Restaurant Wins Best of the Best
For this year’s BOB Award for Best Chinese Restaurant, locals voted Vernon’s oldest Chinese restaurant as the winner.
Susie is the second generation to own Royal Garden Restaurant. Her parents Li and Ken Low started the business in its original location in 1995.
“My parents have been with me through all this, and I still lean on them for their expertise and knowledge. My first job was working in the restaurant, and now my kids are working in the restaurant helping me out on the weekends, so it’s a family-run business.”
Many customers have been with the restaurant since it started 29 years ago. The BOB win shows Royal Garden’s customers appreciate them, and the sentiment goes both ways. “You get to go through all the life experience with all the regular customers… their birthdays and retirements and arrival of their grandchildren,” Low shared. ”It’s a really great experience to grow with the customer too.”