Two spot fires in Kalamalka Provincial Park have been brought under control (image courtesy of the B.C. Wildfire Service)
human caused

Two small fires in Kal Park brought under control

Jun 12, 2024 | 4:32 PM

A pair of small spot fires in Kalamalaka Lake Provincial Park were quickly brought under control Wednesday.

The B.C. Wildfire Service (BCWS) website showed that both fires were located in the Cosens Bay area on June 12.

One fire, discovered at 1:23 p.m. was 0.5 hectares in size, and the other, reported at 3:06 p.m., only burned 0.009 hectares.

The BCWS stated the larger of the two fires was classified as Under Control as of 2:22 p.m. and the smaller one was under control as of 3:50 p.m.