Highway Patrol celebrates 150th anniversary of RCMP with festive safety checks
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are celebrating their 150th anniversary today (May 23), and the BC Highway Patrol is inviting drivers to help them celebrate at one of their ‘festive’ road safety checks.
The checks will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at eight locations in B.C., and will be a bit different than a normal road check.
“Watch for our BCHP officers in their high boots, breeches, and Stetsons as they engage motorists in road safety checks to discuss the need for driving safely as we move into the summer with better weather and driving conditions,” Staff Sgt. Kris Clark said.
“BCHP officers will be inviting motorists to join in our celebration of the 150th anniversary of the RCMP,” Chief Superintendent Holly Turton said.