Vernon City Hall. (file photo/Vernon Matters Staff)
28% seniors

Vernon seeks input on age and dementia-friendly plan

May 2, 2023 | 2:38 PM

More than one of every four Vernon residents are seniors (28 per cent), much higher than the national average of 19 per cent based on the 2021 Census.

And with those figures expected to rise, it’s no surprise that the city is putting a priority on becoming a more welcoming community for older people and those with dementia.

For some time now, the Vernon Seniors Action Network (VSAN) and the City of Vernon have been working together to develop Vernon’s first age and dementia-friendly action plan.

“Age-friendly communities are set up to help seniors live safely, enjoy good health and stay involved,” a city news release stated.

“They are places where older people are recognized and respected for their skills, abilities, and contributions.”

Dementia-friendly communities are defined as places where people living with dementia and care-partners are also respected, included, and supported.

“Dementia is not a normal part of aging, but the number of people living with dementia is increasing due to population aging. Fear and stigma can make it very isolating for both the person living with dementia and those who care for them,” the news release added.

The goal of the city’s project, which is supported by the B.C government, is to develop a plan focusing on the specific needs of Vernon that can be integrated into other city plans, policies and programs.

“It also aims to increase service provider capacity, partnerships, and alignment on shared priorities and resource allocations,” the city stated.

The next step is to get input, and all residents are invited to attend an open house on Tuesday May 9, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Schubert Centre. Attendees can share their experiences and ideas on how Vernon can become more age and dementia friendly.

Residents can also visit the Age and Dementia Friendly Community Planning project page on Engage Vernon for additional information.

A draft Age and Dementia Friendly Community Plan is expected to be presented to city council this September.

(Image credit: City of Vernon)
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