B.C. marks two years of overdose prevention through mobile app
It’s been two years since a drug poisoning prevention app has been operational in B.C.
B.C. launched the Lifeguard Digital Health App in May 2020, which can be activated by a user before taking their dose and, after 50 seconds, an alarm will sound. If the user does not hit a button to stop the alarm, it will increase in volume. If the individual still hasn’t responded to indicate they are okay, then the app will trigger medical assistance with a call to ambulance services.
In the first two years of operation, the app has been downloaded by more than 9,000 people in B.C. and has been activated for 104,783 sessions. Through the use of the app, there have been 132 cases where an ambulance needed to be called, 96 of which resulted in the individual being okay, and 28 cases where drug poisonings were reversed.
There have been no deaths in B.C. where a person was using the Lifeguard Digital Health App.