Kin Race Track park lands (photo by Liam Verster / Vernon Matters)
Kin Race Track Park Reserve

City Councillor to propose not touching designated Kin Race Track funds

Mar 14, 2025 | 6:00 AM

A Vernon City Councillor will put forward a motion to not touch the Kin Race Track Park reserve.

Councillor Brian Guy issued the notice of motion at the city council meeting Monday, March 10.

“The motion would be that there be no further withdrawals from the Kin Race Track Park reserve until staff has provided council with a plan and a cost estimate for a community park to be located at that site,” Guy said at the meeting.

The motion will be brought forward for discussion at the regular council meeting on March 24.

Guy’s motion came following city council’s decision to reallocate $825,000 from that reserve to be used for the purchase and installation of a new video scoreboard at Kal Tire Place. Guy voted in opposition to that motion at the Feb. 24 meeting.

That reserve was built up using legacy funding, and not through taxation.

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