Phase 1 work of the Vernon Creek Naturalization project in late-August (photo by Liam Verster / Vernon Matters)
Vernon Creek Naturalization Funding Opportunity

City seeking grant for Phase 2 of creek naturalization project

Sep 20, 2024 | 1:39 PM

The City of Vernon is preparing for the second step in revitalizing Vernon Creek through Polson park.

A report to Vernon City Council recommends an application be submitted to the Union of B.C. Municipalities for financial support through the Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaption (DDR-CA) funding stream, to support the second phase of the Vernon Creek Naturalization project.

The city was successful in its application for the DDR-CA funding for the first phase of the project, and received a total of $2,529,931 to be used for the work to make the creek less prone to flooding and improve the riparian areas and fish habitat. This contribution allowed the city to reduce it’s own costs for the project from $3.26-million to $1.27-million, funded through the Casino Reserve.

The report said that if the city were successful in it’s bid, it could receive up to $5-million for the second phase.

The report noted Phase 1 of the project, which involved the section of the creek from the park entrance at Highway 97 to just north of the duck pond, was on track to be completed in November, as originally planned.

Phase 2, which will see similar work from the duck pond to the maintenance bridge. This work was scheduled to go in the summer and fall of 2025, as work in the creek outside that window is not permitted under regulations from Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

City Council will receive the report at the regular meeting Monday, Sept. 23, and it’s recommended it be accepted for information and that staff be tasked with applying for the DDR-CA grant.

The deadline to submit an application for the program is October 4, 2024.

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