RCMP patroling on foot in downtown Kelowna (photo courtesy of the Kelowna RCMP)

RCMP to step up enforcement over long weekend

Jun 30, 2023 | 3:05 PM

Mounties in Kelowna will be more visible over the Canada Day long weekend.

The city is expecting to see an influx of visitors, and the RCMP is reminding both residents and tourists to travel safely and celebrate responsibly.

The RCMP reminds people to buckle their seatbelts, don’t text and drive, don’t drive tired, keep to the speed limit, don’t give in to road rage, don’t drink and drive, and use the headlights.

Image courtesy of the Kelowna RCMP

The increase in visitors is expected to create traffic congestions and local businesses may be busier than usual.

People out celebratng Canada Day may also see a more visible police presence, as Mounties will be enhancing patrols throughout the city, the surrounding areas and out on the lake.

“The public can expect to see more police officers at local events, beaches, boat launches, and on the water throughout the entire long weekend,” Const. Mike Della-Paolera, Media Relations Officer with the Kelowna RCMP, said.

“Our goal at the RCMP is to proactively enforce regulations and ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday for everyone.”

The RCMP add the fireworks display on Saturday, July 1, will likely draw in a large crowd, and reminds motorists and the general public to follow traffic directions and celebrate responsibly.

Police also remind people consuming alcohol in any public park or beach is strictly prohibited and can result in a $230 fine.

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