Laurie Thomas and her husband Scott, lost their son Evan in the 2018 Humboldt Broncos bus crash. Laurie will be coming to Vernon for the Last Breath event on Nov. 29 at the Performing Arts Centre. (Photo credit: Submitted/EDF)
Nov. 29

Bus crash victim’s mother to attend Vernon event

Nov 14, 2022 | 2:00 PM

A woman who lost her son in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash four years ago, will be coming to Vernon to support an event put on by the Emily Dahl Foundation.

Laurie Thomas of Saskatoon will attend ‘Last Breath’ featuring Chris Lemons talking about his near death diving incident, on Nov. 29 at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre.

Thomas’ son, Evan Thomas, was one of the 16 people who died in the Bronco’s bus tragedy on April 6, 2018 near Armley Saskatchewan.

Evan Thomas and Emily Dahl (on right) (Submitted photos/Emily Dahl Foundation)

Laurie Thomas, who will introduce Lemons at the presentation, said she and her friend, Emily Dahl Foundation co-founder Sherman Dahl, unfortunately share common ground.

“He and I belong to this club we never signed up for and has forever changed our paths in life – the loss of a child,” Thomas said. “I booked my flight today and bought my ticket to this event. I wanted to share, and I encourage anyone in the Vernon/Kelowna area to buy a ticket because you will not regret doing so.”

(Image credit: EDF)

Sherman Dahl, who lost his 18-year-old daughter Emily to suicide in 2019, said the Nov. 29 event can help anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, adding Mrs. Thomas is showing incredible compassion and caring to be there in person.

“It was Dev Randhawa that first introduced us, and I am so happy that he did. Laurie is full of energy and love,” Dahl stated.

“As Albert Camus once said — and Laurie and I know this to be true — and so does Chris Lemons — this we should never forget: ‘In the midst of winter, we will find that there is, within us, an invincible summer.’ And that makes me and Laurie happy. For it says, that no matter how hard the world pushes against us, within us, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back,” Dahl said

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