Brian Guy (Submitted photo)
2022 Civic Elections

Brian Guy announces run for Vernon council

Sep 8, 2022 | 1:00 PM

A Vernon business leader and volunteer is looking to win a seat on Vernon council.

Brian Guy has announced he will seek one of the six councillor positions on city council in the Oct. 15 elections.

“Brian is a leader with a proven track record of success in the business and non-profit sectors, and wants to use his experience and expertise on council to make Vernon even better,” a news release from Guy stated.

Guy and his wife came to Vernon in 1994 and raised their two sons in the city. He founded and led Summit Environmental Consultants in downtown Vernon, bringing more than thirty-five young professionals and their families to the community.

Guy is a professional geoscientist with expertise in hydrology and water management.

“Vernon is one of the best places to live in Canada and by serving on council, I hope to do my part to make the city stronger and more livable,” said Guy.

Guy’s volunteer duties include chairing the board of the Okanagan Science Centre and a director of the Sovereign Lake Nordic Club. He has volunteered for 16 years with the Okanagan Water Stewardship Council, including a term as chair, and served as a director of the Okanagan Basin Water Board.

He served on the RDNO Solid Waste Management Committee; and since 2018 has co-chaired the City of Vernon Climate Action Advisory Committee, which developed a Climate Action Plan for the City which was approved by Council in April 2021.

Guy said challenging issues facing the city include housing, climate-driven risks and opportunities, and strengthening the city’s relationship with the Okanagan Indian Band, as well as updating the Official Community Plan, a new Active Living Centre (if residents approve the project), redevelopment of the Kin Race Track site, a new Cultural Centre, and an upgraded Polson Park.

“He believes that his thoughtful, comprehensive, balanced, collaborative, fiscally prudent, and inclusive approach will help provide the needed leadership on these issues,” the news release stated.

Click here for an updated list of the Vernon council candidates.


Press Release: Long-time Vernon business leader and volunteer to seek seat on Vernon council

Brian Guy announced today that he is seeking election to Vernon City Council in the upcoming municipal election.

Brian is a leader with a proven track record of success in the business and non-profit sectors, and wants to use his experience and expertise on council to make Vernon even better.

He stated “Vernon is one of the best places to live in Canada and by serving on Council I hope to do my part to make the City stronger and more livable.”

Brian and his wife came to Vernon in 1994 and raised their two sons here. He founded and led a successful business based in downtown Vernon (Summit Environmental Consultants), bringing more than thirty-five young professionals and their families to the community. He is a Professional Geoscientist with expertise in hydrology and water management.

After merging with Associated Engineering in 2010, Brian grew its environmental consulting business in communities throughout western and northern Canada before retiring from fulltime work in 2017. Between 2015 and 2017 he led the company’s Climate Change Task Force which educated municipalities, clients, and staff on risks caused by the changing climate, and on opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Brian has volunteered for many years at the local, regional, provincial, and national levels. Locally he chaired the board of the Okanagan Science Centre and was a director of the Sovereign Lake Nordic Club. He has volunteered for 16 years with the Okanagan Water Stewardship Council, including a term as Chair, and served as a director of the Okanagan Basin Water Board. He served on the RDNO Solid Waste Management Committee; and since 2018 has co-chaired the City of Vernon Climate Action Advisory Committee, which developed a Climate Action Plan for the City which was approved by Council in April 2021.

Brian is well-known as a collaborative leader and decision-maker. He feels strongly that his experience and expertise in governance, leadership, financial management, strategic planning, risk assessment, and decision-making will benefit the people of Vernon.

He knows that there are some challenging issues facing the City – for example housing, climate-driven risks and opportunities, and strengthening the City’s relationship with the Okanagan Indian Band, as well as some significant initiatives including renewal of the Official Community Plan, a new Active Living Centre (if residents approve the project), redevelopment of the Kin Racetrack, a new Cultural Centre, and an upgraded Polson Park.

He believes that his thoughtful, comprehensive, balanced, collaborative, fiscally prudent, and inclusive approach will help provide the needed leadership on these issues. He believes that Vernon can become more resilient, economically stronger, more livable, healthier, and more diverse, and he is committed to working with Council and the community to achieve those goals.

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