West Kelowna moves to Stage 2 water restrictions
The City of West Kelowna has brought in Stage 2 water restrictions for utility customers to help reduce demand during drought conditions and protect available supply until further notice.
“Throughout the past month, extreme hot and dry weather has prompted us to move to Stage 2 water restrictions,” said Rob Hillis, Engineering Manager. “Conserving water now will help us protect our water resources to ensure adequate supply in the coming months”. Under Stage 2, the Water Regulation Bylaw permits watering on the prescribed days, twice per week:
- Even numbered addresses may only water on Saturdays and Tuesdays
- Odd numbered addresses may only water on Sundays and Wednesdays
- Properties equipped with automated sprinkler systems may only water between midnight and 6 a.m. on the days prescribed.
- Properties equipped with manually controlled sprinkling systems, including those attached to outside taps, may only water from midnight to 11 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to midnight on the days prescribed.
- Sprinkling is never permitted between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
General rules allow hand watering of all landscape plant materials and vegetable plantings, excluding lawns, with the exception of Stage 4.