Reba, a purebred Himalayan cat from Vernon, is in the running for America's Favourite Pet contest. (Submitted photo/Elaine Gross)
Himalayan purebred

UPDATE: Vernon cat purr-fectly happy after U.S contest

Mar 14, 2021 | 2:00 PM

UPDATE March 14

She didn’t win, but a Vernon cat had a very respectable showing in a contest for America’s Favourite Pet.

Reba, a purebred Himalayan owned by Elaine Gross, finished in fifth place.

“We didn’t win but we won the hearts of so many voters, which was an amazing experience in itself. Thanks for writing the story,” Gross told Vernon Matters.

The contest, which is open to both U.S. and Canadian residents, is still taking votes.

The grand prize is having your pet on the cover of Catster or Dogster Magazine, plus $5,000.


March 9 story

A Vernon cat is in the running to become America’s favourite pet.

Reba is a purebred Himalayan cat who is owned by Elaine Gross, a pharmacist’s assistant at Nolan’s Drugstore.

Gross told Vernon Matters she entered Reba into America’s Favorite Pet contest last November. The contest is open to both U.S. and Canadian residents and the grand prize is having your pet on the cover of Catster Magazine (or Dogster) plus $5,000.

You can see Reba’s profile and vote here

“Wouldn’t it be awesome if a cat from Vernon, B.C. was featured on the cover of Catster Magazine, and, as such, more people would learn about our fantastic community,” Gross remarked.


The contest started on February 2, 2021 and users can vote once a day through Facebook on their website,” Gross said. The voting for the semifinalists ends Mar. 11 at 8 p.m. B.C. time.

Gross said over the last month, Reba has consistently been in first place and has had so much support from her friends, co-workers, and family. She’s now hoping others will get on board.

“The contest has been something that everyone can cheer Reba on and have a moment of positivity during the drama of the pandemic. Now we’re in the quarterfinals and the competition is fierce, so I’m channeling Reba’s fighting attitude to try and get as many votes as possible.”

Reba (submitted photo)

Gross said she decided to fulfill her dream of owning a Himalayan purebred 11 years ago when she saved up so she could get Reba, bringing her home as a six-week old kitten.

“It hasn’t always been easy with Reba as she would often get sick. She needed to see the vet multiple times over the years. Four years ago, Reba received the diagnosis that she has a tooth disease called Resorption. Resorption can affect one in five cats over the age of five. Throughout all of her health concerns and my anxiety, Reba has been a fighter, she always bounces back and shows so much resilience,” Gross said

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