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Climate Action Plan

Vernon offering incentives for going green, furthering youth engagement

Mar 19, 2025 | 1:27 PM

As part of Vernon’s Climate Action Plan, residents can get some assistance in going green, while also supporting an increase to a popular school program.

The city has home energy rebates, provided through CleanBC’s Municipal Top-Up Program, that Vernonites can access.

Through the program, the city will provide rebates of up to $2,000 for people to make the switch to heat pumps, $1,000 for residents to switch to electric heat pump water heaters, and up to $500 for upgrades to electrical services.

In addition to making these funds available to Vernonites, the city, in collaboration with School District 22, will expand the Climate Action Ripple Effect program in 2025.

The program (CARE) sees high school students collaborate with teachers and local mentors to design and implement climate action projects. Some projects brought forward in past years include diverting and repurposing clothing from landfills, using mushrooms to break down plastics, enhanced use of solar panels, and promoting green transportation methods.

A CARE community climate expo will be held at the Vernon Curling Club on May 29, where members of the public can come out and see the projects the students developed and pursued in 2025.

The City of Vernon is also supporting Youth Climate Corps B.C. with five paid positions focused on environmental sustainability and climate action.

There will be five summer employment opportunities through that program, providing hands-on career experience in related fields. The deadline to apply for the program is April 6, 2025.

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