B.C. Hydro rate increases to be kept below inflation
The province will take action to ensure British Columbians have access to affordable power.
The province stated that, as B.C. and Canada face threats from U.S. tariffs, B.C. Hydro’s electricity rates will be kept relatively stable by keeping the rate increases below cumulative inflation.
“We must take urgent action to protect British Columbians from the uncertainty posed by rising costs while building a strong, robust and resilient electricity system for the benefit of B.C.’s long-term energy independence,” Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions Adrian Dix said.
“That is why we are submitting a rate stability direction to the B.C. Utilities Commission to set B.C. Hydro’s rate increases for the next two years. This move guarantees certainty and reaffirms our commitment to keeping electricity rates well below the North American average and cumulative inflation, while growing our clean-energy advantage.”