Vernon Matters file photo
School Zone Safety

Letter to RDNO asks for increases to school zone speed rules

Jan 23, 2025 | 10:50 AM

A letter from a member of the public has called on the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) to improve school zone safety.

The letter from a citizen who’s name was redacted asked the RDNO to change all school zones in the region to 30 kilometres per hour all day, rather than just between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on school days. The person argued that the City of Penticton had already implemented this change.

The letter also asked that the RDNO install speed humps in all 30 km/h school zones.

The writer argued that school zone speed limits needed to be amended for safety purposes.

“In this past year, we have had school age pedestrians and cyclists in our community hit by motor vehicles. In the winter, we had a motor vehicle lose control, go through a school fence and stop just a few feet from an elementary school slide – minutes after students finished recess,” the letter stated.

The RDNO Board of Directors received the letter at the regular meeting Wednesday, January 22.

Though the Ministry of Transportation and Transit are responsible for school zones and road maintenance, the board did direct staff to investigate the process involved for implementing the recommended changes. The findings of that investigation will be brought forward at a future Electoral Area Advisory Committee meeting.

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