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Fake Bank Website

New marketplace scam targeting sellers in the Okanagan

Aug 21, 2024 | 12:27 PM

A new, sophisticated marketplace scam is victimizing people selling items online in the Okanagan.

Kelowna RCMP said the new scam sees the fraudster contact a person selling an item online, and offer to pay full price via an e-transfer.

The seller is then sent a link to what appears to be a legitimate bank webpage, where they are asked to enter their bank information and phone number in order to receive a verification code.

One that information has been entered, the scammer can use it to access the victim’s account and transfer out funds.

“This is an extremely sophisticated scam that is a variation of the one-time passcode scam,” Sgt. Laura Pollock, Kelowna RCMP Media Relations Officer, said.

“We encourage you to make your marketplace exchanges in public locations with security cameras.”

Anyone who falls victim to a fraud or scam is advised to report it to their local police and to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

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