Winter Carnival's new executive director Lisa Fenyedi (left) with returning chairperson Laurell Cornell (submitted photo)
Feb. 7-16, 2025

Vernon Winter Carnival has new person in charge & new theme for 2025

Jul 4, 2024 | 6:00 AM

The Vernon Winter Carnival has been busy making plans for its 2025 celebration.

The non-profit society has named Lisa Fenyedi as its new executive director.

“Lisa Fenyedi is no stranger to the society, with three years experience working as either our event and administrative assistant or as a director on our board. We are excited to have Lisa lead Vernon Winter Carnival into our 65th year,” Chair Laurell Cornell said

Fenyedi’s introduction to Vernon Winter Carnival was attending the parade in 2012.

“The enthusiasm and pure enjoyment of both participants and attendees left a lasting impression and a pull to join the society in 2022 as our event and administrative assistant for the season, followed by joining our board of directors for the following two years. Lisa brings with her a wealth of knowledge, not only within the Society, but also in tourism, events, and administration,” Cornell added.

The society has also announced its new board of directors:

Chair: Laurell Cornell; Vice Chair: Leah Martel; Treasurer: Boris Ivanoff; Secretary:Jason Keis.

New directors: Ben Drodge, Corinne van de Crommenacker, Kara Mason, Ryan McGiverin, Vicki Proulx

Returning directors: Camille McCluskey, Colin Hamilton, Josh Welter, Peter Kaz, Rod Koenig, Roel van de Crommenacker

Meantime, ‘Back to the 80’s’ has been chosen as the theme for its 65th annual festival to be held February 7-16, 2025.

“Taking our tag line from one of the many iconic movies of the 1980’s, we are looking forward to seeing the full scope of the 80’s come to life through events, and participants alike this year,” a news release from the society said.

The theme could be about the music of the 80’s (which everyone listens to on Beach Radio!), with Madonna, Bruce Springsteeen and others, to the big movies, TV shows and fashion trends of that decade.

Chair Laurell Cornell said Winter Carnival 2025 promises to deliver another fantastic festival with new directors and executive director all full of energy and enthusiasm.

“As Chair of VWC I would like to thank the thousands of volunteers who have put in countless hours, without them carnival would cease to exist,” Cornell said.

“We look forward to another amazing year celebrating going “Back to the 80’s.”

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