The newly wrapped Tourism Vernon vehicle (photo courtesy of Tourism Vernon via the City of Vernon)
Brand Refresh

Tourism Vernon rolling out new brand with three projects

Jun 21, 2024 | 3:00 PM

As part of Tourism Vernon’s brand refresh, a newly wrapped vehicle can be seen cruising around the city.

The wrapped SUV is one of three initiatives Tourism Vernon is undertaking this year to grow its brand. The other two are the launching of the new Vernon Visitor Guide, and producing 15- and 30-second television commercials.

A staff report to Vernon city council stated the 72-page Visitor Guide includes a range of visitor information such as maps, trip ideas, and contact information for businesses and travel organizations. Tourism Vernon has printed 30,000 copies of the guide, which will be distributed to Visitor Information Centres, airports, hotels, campgrounds, restaurants, and other tourism-related businesses across B.C. and Alberta, as well as on B.C. Ferries. An online version is also available.

The brand videos are currently being shown across Canada and in the United States, airing on Rogers Media and NG Media channels. The report, by Hannah Lucich, coordinator of tourism marketing, said the commercials are being aired during many major sports events, including professional hockey and baseball games.

The ‘Discover Vernon’ vehicle, which the report stated will be a key marketing initiative from May through August, will be used to transport the visitor services team to events in and out of the community to provide information to locals and visitors.

The report to council will be presented for information at the regular meeting Monday, June 24.

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