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Landslide Risk

Weekend rain could pose landslide risk in the Shuswap

Jun 14, 2024 | 5:30 PM

Rain in the weekend forecast is increasing the landslide risks in the Shuswap.

The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) said it is for the areas affected by the 2023 Bush Creek East wildfire.

Environment Canada’s forecast calls for widespread showers between five to 10 milimetres, with the possibility of localized heavy downpours of up to 25 mm.

The CSRD said heavy rain could trigger debris flows and debris floods, which could threaten public safety and property.

An engineering assessment report conducted in the area recently found that the heavily burnt areas would at high or very high risk of landslides should there be between 11 and 17 mm of rainfall within an hour.

The Shuswap Emergency Program advises people monitor weather forecasts, make an emergency plan, and consider leaving the area if concerned of heavy rain and landslides.

Information on landslide preparedness can be found at the PreparedBC website.

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