VernoN Search and Rescue is selling its Initial Response Truck (photo courtesy of VSAR / Facebook)
Truck Replacement

Old VSAR truck in need of a new home

May 29, 2024 | 2:45 PM

Vernon Search and Rescue is selling one of its older vehicles, and is hoping it can go to a place to someone or a group who can put it to use.

In a Facebook post, Vernon Search and Rescue (VSAR) said it’s selling the Initial Response Truck, a 2006 F350 diesel crew cab, that is being replaced with a newer model vehicle.

“The Initial Response Truck has served us for a number of years and we needed to upgrade our vehicle, we needed something that would be just a little bit better in getting into the bush and carrying the gear that we need now for more advanced searches,” Trevor Honigman, VSAR’s Search Manager, told Vernon Matters.

“Over the last number of years we’ve been doing fundraising and working with supporters in the community to build a new truck, and that is almost finished and once that comes back and we’re ready to switch then we’re going to be swapping over.”

The truck VSAR is selling is a 2006 model with just 67,000 kilometers on it, and has been modified to meet the need of emergency responders with an ambulance bay, emergency lights, sirens, and lots of storage space.

“It’s a truck that we built specifically for the needs of search and rescue in the mountains and in our territory, the regional district, in and around the Vernon and Okanagan area,” Honigman explained.

“It’s an extremely capable vehicle but we needed something just a little bit different as well.”

The VSAR representative noted selling this vehicle will free up some space in the new headquarters, but added they want to “be good stewards” with their equipment and not have more than needed.

Honigman said the vehicle is intended to be used for emergency response, and hopes another Search and Rescue group can make good use of it.

“Preferably, if we could keep it in the [search and rescue] community that would be great,” The VSAR representative told Vernon Matters.

“When we were pushing to develop our new building and the other vehicles that we’ve worked on, the boats we’ve been utilizing over the years, other search and rescue teams helped us get to where we need to be, and now we’re looking, hopefully, to pass that on as well and help other search and rescue teams get more capable as well.”

He added other agencies in need of off-road capable vehicles equipped with lights, an ambulance bay and radios could also benefit from purchasing VSAR’s vehicle.

Honigman could not say how much the group would be selling the vehicle for, but did say the money from the sale would be used for a variety of purposes.

“With how we operate throughout the year, every season brings new challenges and other types of gear that we need,” he said.

“There’s never a shortage of things we can spend money on, there’s just a shortage of funds and that’s why we fundraise and why we’re selling the old truck.”

Anyone interested in purchasing VSAR’s old Initial Response Truck can email

The vehicle will be taken off the road and ready for its new owner on June 20.

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