Concept image of the new Lakeview wading pool (image courtesy of the City of Vernon)
$262K Budget Shortfall

Additional funding needed for Lakeview wading pool revitalization

May 10, 2024 | 1:35 PM

A lot more money is needed to complete the revitalization work at the Lakeview wading pool.

A report to Vernon City Council stated the work is progressing to upgrade the pool, known as the Peanut Pool, but the associated costs have increased by over $262,000.

The report stated the power connection that was originally approved and designed did not pass a field inspection by a Technical Safety B.C. inspector and getting that up to code required installing a separate disconnect switch at an additional cost of $8,409.

Installation required a 10-week delay, and cost escalations related to not being in progress with other work at the site are expected to total $133,785.

  • $15,785 for tile work
  • $36,500 for pool fencing
  • $45,000 for landscaping, irrigation, planting and furniture
  • $33,000 for hardscape concrete surfacing around the splash park and access to the site
  • $3,500 for a control gate change

The report noted these increases are pending contractor issuance.

The delays also meant that contracts and rentals had to be extended to $128,409.

  • $4,500 for fencing
  • $3,500 to extend insurance premiums
  • $5,000 for the construction office, portable toilets and storage space rentals
  • $47,000 to extend the construction manager service contract
  • $50,000 for a site supervisor extension
  • $8,409 for the power disconnect
  • $10,000 for additional inspections and site visits

With these extra costs, the project is projected to have a budget shortfall of $262,194, and council will be asked to provide up to $300,000 in additional funding to complete the work at the regular meeting Monday, May 13.

If approved, the funds would come from the Recreation Major Maintenance Reserve, which has a current balance of $507,241.

The report noted that, despite the delay and added costs, the Peanut Pool is scheduled to be open by June 28, 2024.

The final building finishes are being installed; the pool equipment has been installed and the pool will be filled with water in mid-May. The pool chemical controllers will then be tested and calibrated to maintain safe levels, with Interior Health to inspect the site once that process has been set up.

The splash pad underground work is also complete and the surface concrete has been poured. The spray park features are being installed while the final landscaping and irrigation work is also in progress and expected to be complete by the opening date.

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