Stock photo courtesy of ICBC
Road Safety

Road users advised to be cautious as motorcycle season begins

Apr 30, 2024 | 11:11 AM

Spring is here, which means more motorcyclists on the road, and the need for everyone to be cautious of other road users.

The Insurance Corporation of B.C. (ICBC) says motorcycle crashes significantly increase between May and September, with an average of 212 people injured in collisions each month, or 1,060 injuries during those five months.

ICBC data shows the Southern Interior sees the most collisions involving motorcyclists, with an average of 237 crashes between May and September, or an average of 47 per month.

Motorcyclists are more at risk of suffering an injury in a crash as they are less protected that vehicle drivers and passengers, and ICBC asks both riders and other road users to be cautious.

“We know motorcyclists are enthusiastic about seeing our beautiful province by bike and we want to help keep them safe this season,” Shabnem Afzal, ICBC’s director of road safety, said.

“As a rider, wear gear every time you ride. Riders and drivers need to stay focused on the road, leave plenty of space, and choose safe speeds to prevent crashes.”

The provincial Crown corporation noted 60 per cent of crashes involving a motorcycle happen at an intersection, and that the top contributing factors for drivers are distraction, speed, and following too closely. ICBC advised vehicle drivers be aware of their surroundings and give extra space to motorcyclists.

Riders are reminded to refresh their skills when taking their motorcycles out for the first rides of the season, avoid distractions, do not follow vehicles too closely, wear protective gear, stay out of drivers’ blind spots, follow speed limits, and use turn signals.

“As we embrace the warmer weather and motorcyclists take to the roads, it’s imperative to remain vigilant and aware of our surroundings,” Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, stated.

“Let’s work together to promote safe riding practices, enhance visibility, and foster mutual respect among all road users. Together, we can ensure that every journey on two wheels is a safe one.”

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