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Financial Assistance

A Vernon-led call for better seniors supports backed by province

Apr 9, 2024 | 2:00 PM

The B.C. government is improving aids for seniors in the province, as previously advocated by the City of Vernon.

In September of 2023, Vernon led a charge at the Union of B.C. Municipalities meeting to see the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program be reviewed and enhanced to provide people with more funding.

That resolution passed at UBCM and was to be presented to the province.

READ MORE: Productive week for Vernon’s Mayor at UBCM

On Tuesday, April 9, B.C.’s NDP government announced that the SAFER program would be enhanced through multiple improvements.

The key enhancement announced Tuesday was that people receiving a rent subsidy through the SAFER program or the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) will be given a one-time rental benefit of $430.

“We are making changes to the SAFER program to support more seniors, and delivering a top-up cheque for seniors and families who are now struggling with the cost of living and rent,” Ravi Kahlon, B.C.’s Minister of Housing, said.

“This benefit, and the long-term changes to SAFER, will help ensure more seniors and families can remain in their homes.”

Current recipients of SAFER or RAP will automatically qualify for the rental benefit and are not required to apply for the funds.

Along with the one-time benefit, the province announced that the income limit for eligibility for SAFER would be increased from $33,000 to $37,240, allowing more seniors to be eligible for rental assistance; that the minimum benefit would increase from $25 to $50 a month; and that rent ceilings can be reviewed and amended annually to determine the amount of rental assistance a person receives.

The province will also launch a new public awareness campaign to inform British Columbians of the program.

“This payment brings timely relief for low-income seniors and families experiencing increased living and rental costs,” Harwinder Sandhu, Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors’ Services and Long-Term Care and Vernon-Monashee MLA, said.

“I look forward to the impact the upcoming improvements to the SAFER program will have for seniors in need, part of our government’s ongoing commitment to helping seniors live safely and comfortably in their own homes.”

The one-time benefit will be funded from a $12.3-million federal top-up for the Canada Housing Benefit, while the province will provide $15.6-million to support the other improvements to SAFER.

Vernon Matters has reached out to Mayor Victor Cumming for comment on the provincial announcement.

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