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Housing Plan

B.C. rolling out new regulations for zoning and amenities, increasing renter protections

Apr 3, 2024 | 4:00 PM

British Columbia is bringing in more renter protection from redevelopment evictions, while also boosting housing construction.

Provincial legislative changes are being rolled out to build more housing by providing more certainty and transparency in the rezoning process.

The change will allow development approvals at the local government level to be accelerated, while also granting local government with the authority to enact bylaws that support planning and building more housing, including affordable housing.

“We are in a housing crisis, and an affordability crisis, and these tools are part of our broader efforts to increase the number of homes for people and make housing more available so people can live in the community they love,” Minister of Housing Ravi Kahlon said.

“These will make it easier and faster for local governments to approve building permits that include amenities and affordable housing in larger developments, and to create the types of complete communities that people want to live in.”

The provincial strategy involves inclusionary zoning to allow local governments to require affordable housing units in new developments; permitting density bonuses be exchanged for amenities or affordable housing; and having local governments meet infrastructure and transportation demand with wider sidewalks, protected bike lanes, end-of-trip facilities and other amenities that support safer travel options, sustainability and climate resilience.

Additionally, the province is adjusting the tenant protection bylaws to allow municipalities to require developers provide added support to tenants facing displacement in cases of redevelopment. This can involve providing financial assistance, help with finding a new place to live, and granting opportunities for right of first refusal on units in a new building.

The legislative actions are part of B.C.’s Homes for People plan.

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