Vernon Law Courts
Provincial court

Trial date set for former chiropractor

Oct 26, 2023 | 1:29 PM

A trial date has been set for a former Vernon chiropractor accused of sexual assault.

A pre-trial conference on Wednesday confirmed that Murray Stephen Kievit will go on trial on Jan. 15 in Vernon provincial court.

The former doctor is facing two complaints from one person for incidents alleged to have occurred in December 2021.

Earlier this year, the College of Chiropractors of British Columbia permanently cancelled Kievit’s registration.

An inquiry committee made a consent order against Kievit after a complaint alleging inappropriate touching in the course of treatment, allegations that Kievit denied.

“In the consent order, to which Dr. Kievit consented, the committee (1) permanently cancelled Dr. Kievit’s registration, and required (2) an undertaking not to engage in any further practice of health care (3) payment of costs in the amount $1,000,” a ruling on the college’s website from July 31, 2023 stated.

Murray Kievit (photo/White House Wellness Centre)
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