Rapidly changing field

Elevate your smile with modern orthodontics

Sep 7, 2023 | 10:55 AM

Orthodontics is a rapidly changing field of dentistry with numerous technological advances. Clear aligners have made their way offering a comfortable, trendy, and virtually invisible alternative to straighten your teeth, and SMILE OUT LOUD! Now more than ever, orthodontics is a service patients of all ages are requesting. With services at your fingertips (we know you’ve seen commercials) correcting issues related to teeth alignment and improving both functionality and aesthetics of your smile is easily attainable and AFFORDABLE.

We asked Dr. Krystal Hakkaart and Regional Director Valerie Suraci from Elevate Dental about some of the newest technology.

“We now offer Sure Smile, it is a clear aligner system which is great to adjust and align the position of your teeth, so instead of traditional braces we have clear aligners,” Suraci said. It is great because there are no more impressions, everything is done from a digital scan, everything is streamlined, it is clear, concise, and easy.”

Braces or aligners; it is not just about having a nice smile.

“Crooked teeth, it’s not just the way it looks, you can get more cavities, you can get more gum inflammation, you can even have a narrow airway and start snoring because your teeth aren’t aligned. So, there is way more to it than having a nice straight smile,” Dr. Hakkaart said.
Some common conditions that dentists address with orthodontics include:
• Malocclusions: These are problems with the alignment of teeth and how the upper and lower teeth fit together when the mouth is closed. This includes issues like overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites.

• Crowding: When there isn’t enough space in the mouth to accommodate all the teeth, they can become crowded or misaligned. Orthodontists use braces or other appliances to correct this issue.
• Spacing: On the flip side, some individuals have gaps or spaces between their teeth. Orthodontic treatment can close these spaces and bring teeth into proper alignment.
• Misplaced Midline: The centerline of the upper front teeth should ideally align with the centerline of the lower front teeth. When they don’t, it’s referred to as a misplaced midline.
• Overjet: Commonly known as “buck teeth,” overjet is when the upper front teeth protrude significantly beyond the lower front teeth.
• Underbite: An underbite occurs when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth. This can affect both appearance and function.

Call Elevate Dental for a complimentary Sure Smile Consultation Today! Elevate Dental is located at 2900-48th Avenue in Vernon, across from the Village Green Mall, or online at www.elevateyoursmile.ca.

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