July was the second-deadliest month on record in B.C.’s toxic drug crisis
The B.C. Coroners Service reports that 1,204 British Columbians have died as a result of toxic drugs in 2021 so far, after 184 deaths were confirmed in July.
The July deaths represent the second-deadliest month on record for B.C. drug toxicity, the deadliest month on record was in June of 2020, when 186 British Columbians died due to drug poisoning.
July 2021 is the 17th consecutive month that saw more than 100 British Columbian’s lives claimed by toxic drugs.
Data from the Coroners Service shows that there have been 18 illicit drug deaths in Vernon first seven months of 2021, up by two from the June 2021 report. Kelowna had three deaths recorded in July, bringing the death-toll there up to 35. A total of 85 toxic drug deaths have been recorded in the Okanagan area this year.