RDNO and Coldstream homes no longer on evacuation alert for Clerke Road fire
Residents in the Clerke Road fire zone can finally breath a sigh of relief.
Based upon a recommendation from the BC Wildfire Service, the Regional District of North Okanagan has rescinded the Evacuation Alert on properties in Electoral Area “B” on Kalamalka Lakeview Drive, Highridge Road, and one property on Highway 97. The District of Coldstream is also rescinding its Evacuation Alert for Clerke Road, Coldstream.
“Crews have worked tirelessly to achieve this result, and we sincerely thank them for working throughout the night and today to control such a fast-moving fire,” said Ashley Gregerson, RDNO EOC Information Officer.
The alert was implemented due to a fast moving fire on the west side of Kalamalka Lake along Highway 97 that was first reported on Friday evening. Firefighters and emergency personnel worked throughout the night to contain the fire, and thanks to their hard work, no structure damage or injuries were reported.
The cause of the 43 hectare fire is under investigation. The Wildfire Service says the fire is classified as ‘being held.’
On July 9th, our Kalamalka Lookout highwaycam at #BChwy97 caught some of the #BCWildfires near #VernonBC.
Amazing how quickly the fire spread and the amazing work of @BCGovFireInfo crews to keep it under control. Drive safely and avoid impacted areas. https://t.co/OgO3hHO5Tn pic.twitter.com/N8Bt4jshWV
— BC Transportation (@TranBC) July 13, 2021
Day after fire update: properties still on alert, landfill closed today, new fire size Jul 10, 2021 | 1:00 PM
The B.C. Wildfire Service says the Clerke Road fire south of Vernon is “being held.”
At last report, 25 provincial firefighters were working on the fire site under the jurisdiction of Vernon Fire Rescue, but that was subject to change due to other priorities.
The fire’s new size is 43 hectares, up from the previous 20, but the service’s Taylor Shantz said that is due to more accurate mapping, rather than growth.