Vernon Fire Rescue members get trained on the new structure protection unit equipment with the assistance of Bill Wacey, Structure Protection Coordinator and Structure Protection Specialist III, BC Wildfire Service. (Photo credit: City of Vernon)
Predator Ridge coverage

New equipment to fight wildfires in Vernon

Jun 29, 2021 | 5:00 AM

Vernon Fire Rescue Services is ready for what could be a busy 2021 wildfire season.

That includes new equipment and training for firefighters.

Already this year, fire departments across the North Okanagan have responded to multiple grass, wildland and structure fires and the fire danger rating is currently high to extreme in most areas.

“The risk of wildfire can change quickly, particularly when we are experiencing extreme heat like we’ve seen this week,” Fire Chief David Lind said. “We need to practice fire safety all the time, and when high heat and sunshine are drying out the region, we need to pay even closer attention to our activities. If people are spending time in the mountains, around lakes, in camping areas, or on trails, it’s paramount that everyone does their part to prevent human-caused wildfires to protect themselves, our communities and our emergency responders.”

Structure protection unit training for Vernon Fire Rescue members. The city is thanking St. John Ambulance for providing its facility for training purposes. (City of Vernon photo)

To prepare for this year’s wildfire season, Fire Rescue has recently acquired a Structure Protection Unit (SPU); a cargo trailer equipped with pumps, hoses and sprinkler heads that can quickly and easily be installed on the eaves troughs of homes or other structures to keep several buildings wet for a prolonged period of time.

Additionally, the department has received and put into service a new Wildland Urban Interface (or bush) truck, designed to go off-road and provide more resources where larger fire trucks could not gain access.

“Having these new resources makes our department more agile in its emergency response and gives our firefighters the tools to handle a variety of larger scale or wildland-urban interface events,” said Lind.

Throughout the summer season, Fire Rescue will also adjust its operations, as necessary, to have firefighters stationed at Fire Station 3 during higher risk periods.

“Residents in the Predator Ridge area may notice career and auxiliary firefighters working and training out of Station 3 at various times when the fire danger rating is listed as extreme, particularly during the hottest part of the day when fire behaviour can be more aggressive,” Lind added.

“This intermittent staffing during higher risk periods is just one of the risk controls used to protect the Predator Ridge area. In addition to this, most buildings have sprinkler systems, open areas are landscaped and irrigated, and there are active Block Watch and FireSmart programs in place.”

Fire chief Lind also said at Monday’s council meeting, deputy fire chief Dwight Seymour has accepted a new position with the Kelowna Fire Department.

To report a wildfire, call the BC Wildfire Service at 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions and more, visit

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