Simulation of proposed Freedom Mobile Tower at 10091 Highway 6. (Photo credit: Freedom Mobile)
Freedom Mobile application approved

Coldstream looks at discouraging communication towers

Apr 14, 2021 | 1:00 PM

Coldstream council has directed staff to look at possible bylaws and application fee structures to try discourage telecommunication companies from building towers in the district.

Freedom Mobile is proposing a 35-metre monopole structure with 12 panel antennas and four microwave dishes at the top of the monopole at 10091 Highway 6 in Coldstream.

The applicant said they try to locate towers at higher elevations and along highway corridors, away from residential areas, to improve reception. It is anticipated with additional demand for data, driven in part by changing work habits due to COVID-19, will see additional applications for communication towers. Data use shrinks the overall footprint that a tower can service.

“Is there something in our tax structure that either could benefit us, or provide a disincentive to communication companies?” Coun. Richard Enns asked.

Coldstream CAO Trevor Seibel indicated the district has legally maxed out the amount they can charge utilities.

“We don’t charge a fee for these applications and for council’s time to review them. That is the place we can recoup some of the costs, and because they are being charged to large telecommunication companies, there may be less morale turpitude in charging a high fee,” Coldstream Director of Development Services, Ryan Roycroft, stated.

While communications towers are a federal responsibility, proponents are required to consult with the local authorities for comment.

Coldstream council approved the Freedom Mobile application with Coun. Doug Dirk opposed.

“We need to do our homework, especially as we are anticipating this is a growth area. Maybe staff can bring back bylaws and approaches that other jurisdictions have taken on this,” Dirk said.

A motion to bring information back to council passed unanimously.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has developed a framework for local governments to use in dealing with communication tower applications.

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