Kalamalka Road 50 km/h speed sign in Coldstream (file photo / Vernon Matters)

UPDATE Kalamalka Road speeding back on the radar

Feb 24, 2021 | 6:15 AM

Despite new measures to curb it, a Coldstream resident says speeding is still a major problem on Kalamalka Road, prompting action from the district’s council.

Gary Shwaluk wrote to the municipality, suggesting a “large number” of the vehicles are going close to double the 50-km/h limit.

He suggested efforts by RCMP, speed reader signs and new no-post road narrowing barriers are having very little impact.

At Monday’s (Feb. 22) council meeting, Coun. Richard Enns questioned why speed limit signs weren’t added to the no-post installations, something administration will look into.

No post road narrowing barriers (file photo / Vernon Matters)

“Would it be possible to get data to see if the barriers have reduced speeds along there?” Coun. Stephanie Hoffman asked.

District CAO Trevor Seibel indicated Kalamalka Road was on the list once winter road maintenance is over.

“Are those speed reader boards by Friesen’s not intelligent? We should have all the data we need,” Coun. Doug Dirk said.

Staff will find out if there is a data collection feature, and if it has been enabled.

A motion to invite the RCMP’s liason officer for the district, Cpl. Fritz Schmid, to update RCMP enforcement on the road, passed with council members Dirk and Enns, in opposition.

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